Our goal is to have a massive database of salsa reviews so that you, our loyal readers, can make an educated choice when the munchies arrive. While we are constantly building this list, there will be some that we miss.
If you’d like us to review your salsa, shoot us a sample to the mailing address below and we’ll give it an honest review. Don’t forget to to give us a heads.up@salsa-reviews.com that it’s coming so we can keep an eye out for it!
New Address Coming Soon
Review Policies and Guidelines
We love salsa and have quite a few jars of it handy at any given time, so please be patient if we don’t get to your sample right away. We are excited about sampling all the salsas we get, especially yours.
We also feel that our readers should get a 100% completely honest opinion about a product, which means that there might be times where will post something negative if we feel the review deems it. Please understand that we are under no obligation to write a glowing review simply because you offered us a free sample.
If you decide to send multiple salsa options (for instance, a mild, medium and hot version of the same salsa), we will split it up into different reviews. We feel this provides the most accurate review of each individual salsa.
To be fair, we request that your salsas be available to the general public, be it in a physical location or online store. While we would love to review homemade, one-off salsas (we bet they’re AMAZING), a review isn’t much good if no one can buy it.